
The Roots of Project 2025

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By Ava Sinclair

The masterminds behind the conservative right’s power grab, known as Project 2025, are no longer trying to hide their agenda. Why should they? With half the country poised to vote for a man who has openly admitted he’ll act as a dictator on Day One, the authors of Project 2025 feel justifiably emboldened to reveal the changes they plan to turn the United States into a Christian autocracy.

To say that Project 2025 will criminalize many of the freedoms we take for granted is no exaggeration. Under this dystopian agenda, should the Republicans seize power, the president will be granted unchecked authority to pass executive orders that dismantle the civil rights we currently rely on.

Gay marriage and protections for the LGBTQ community? Gone with the swipe of a pen.

The hellscape we’ve seen in some states since the Dobbs ruling, where women have bled to death in hospital parking lots because they can’t get medically necessary abortions? Imagine that nationwide.

Schools where students of all races and religions feel welcome? Replaced by Christian education tailored to one faith.

With the threat of a Republican presidency very real in the 2024 election, the public is waking up to Project 2025 and its dire implications. What most people don’t realize from news and social media coverage is that while Project 2025 officially began in 2022, its roots trace back to 1975 with the Dominionists and the Seven Mountains Mandate—the true genesis of this catastrophic power grab.

The Dominionists are a group of evangelical and Pentecostal Christians who believe the Bible is the inspired, infallible word of God. Dominionism has evolved into what we know today as Christian Nationalism—a reconstructionist movement seeking to remove all secular elements from American society and turn our country into a Christian theocracy.

The Seven Mountains Mandate is the ultimate plan for a Christian takeover of the seven “mountains” or pillars of society—family, education, religion, media, entertainment, business, and government. This mandate was inspired by verse 9 in the 17th chapter of Revelation: “And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains.”

If we are wringing our hands in fear over Project 2025, the terrifying truth is that this plan is soft compared to what’s coming. Imagine government-mandated male leadership in families, which will be defined as one heterosexual man, one heterosexual woman, and their offspring, with women’s rights curtailed. There are already politicians reminiscing about stripping women of the right to vote and bringing back the one-vote-per-household model, with, of course, that vote being cast by the male head. Could we potentially see a return to women being denied the right to own property under a Christian theocracy?

Under the Seven Mountains Mandate, anything Christian nationalists consider “liberal ideology” will be cast aside in favor of a Bible-based curriculum. It’s already happening in Louisiana. Despite students ranking near the bottom in achievement, the state will now post the Ten Commandments in all of its classrooms. In Oklahoma, things are even worse. The state superintendent is mandating the teaching of the Bible, and any teacher who refuses may lose their license.

A Christian takeover of this country would pave the way for all teachings to align with the Bible. Imagine your child coming home from school and telling you that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. The curriculum would enforce traditional gender stereotypes, erase any instruction on slavery or colonialism, and paint displaced Indigenous people as savages who got what they deserved when European settlers were granted the land by the grace of their god.

Entertainment will reflect Biblical principles. Netflix and Chill? Now it will be Netflix and Christ brought to you by the people who think it’s not just their job to decide what influences your kids, but what influences you as well. Say goodbye to strong representations of women, positive representations of gays and minorities, or any movies or books that contain sex or anything that doesn’t pass muster with the new puritanical overlords.

News will be strictly controlled and filtered—think FOX and Newsmax on steroids. If you’ve ever turned on the news and wished the anchors were praising your president as “Dear Leader” or something similarly slavish, then the new regime will suit you just fine. Don’t expect honesty. The Christian news corporations will tell you only what they think you need to know.

Under the Seven Mountains Mandate, capitalism is next to godliness. Forget what Jesus said about it being easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. That message has been replaced by the prosperity gospel, which teaches that accumulating wealth is a sign of righteousness, and no “silly” safety regulations ensuring clean air, water, food, transportation, medicine, or anything else should stand in the way of godly profit. This has already begun with the June 28th Supreme Court decision striking down the Chevron doctrine, which now allows courts—not federal agencies—to interpret laws, rather than leaving it to agency experts. In other words, a lackluster judge appointed for his ideology may be all that stands between you and the processing plant upstream dumping raw waste into your drinking water.

Of course, all of this will be made possible by sweeping changes in government. Citizens can’t invoke the separation of church and state once the church becomes the state. The first steps to a full-scale Christian takeover of our government will begin immediately with the installment of a 2024 Republican leadership. Project 2025 is already planning to take over this “mountain” as well, in the name of Christian Nationalism, by purging thousands of civil servants and replacing them with adherents willing to swear loyalty oaths to the fundamentalist cause. This is perhaps the most chilling aspect of Project 2025, as taking over the government itself is key to implementing the rest of the plan.

If you’ve become active in online debates about Project 2025, you’ve no doubt been accused of fearmongering by conservatives who downplay its impact. What they won’t tell you is that this is a well-crafted theocratic plan fifty years in the making. Of course they don’t want you to be proactive. If you stop Project 2025, they won’t have the power to use their religion to rule you. 

Previous: Are You Afraid of Project 2025? You Should Be
Next: Coming October 21st – What You Can Do to Stop Project 2025

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the entire staff at Ethical.Porn.

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