By Morgana Muses and Josie Hess at
Ethical porn is a series of workplace practices that we engage with to uphold ethical standards across the production process.

Here at Permission4Pleasure we shoot everything from solo masturbation to hardcore knife play. The content of the film itself doesn’t dictate the ethics of the production.
In terms of the practical application during pre-production, we do a lot of ground work with performers to create a framework for ensuring communication is open. We actively collaborate with individuals for their own scenes to make sure it is not only something that they consent to, but also feel is right for them.
Ethical porn is a series of workplace practices that we engage with to uphold ethical standards across the production process.
On shoot day, we work to make our on set culture friendly, professional and safe. We also of course pay performers, have everyone understand and sign release forms and we comply with record-keeping, age verification and sexual health regulations.
During post-production our focus shifts towards authenticity and representation. We do our best to cut for timing, rhythm and flow, but where possible we leave in what might traditionally be skipped over. A good example might be to leave in the application of a condom, even if it can be slow or awkward. If porn today is many people’s sexual education, then we feel that we have a responsibility to depict it realistically.
Porn doesn’t have to be idealistic to be ethical, but for our productions we do have an overarching position of wanting to combat ageism in porn. Taking up visual space in film is an important step in normalizing practices within a culture.
Ultimately there are some clear universal practices — like obtaining positive consent and paying people for their work — that make a production ethical. Like any industry some companies self regulate to a higher standard than others depending on their particular views. That is where transparency becomes important. There is a growing movement of consumers demanding their porn be ethical and a growing movement of producers living up to that demand.
See more by Morgana and Josie at
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